Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Stephen Fry wins TV Personality of the Year in Harris Heroes awards

Stephen Fry, national treasure, was named TV Personality of the Year in our Harris Heroes poll of the Great British public conducted in late October.

A full free copy of the report which details all the categories, candidates and winners can be found here.

Here's a list of the top 10 for this category. As you can see the QI host, gadget man and all-round good egg beat triathletic comedian John Bishop and Miranda Hart to the top spot. And there is evidence here to indicate there are people in Britain who like Keith Lemon, however bizarre that may seem. Well done Stephen!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Is the Wii U launch doomed? Research shows a lack of enthusiasm...

I recall when the original Wii console was released. I was exceedingly eager to get my hands on one but it was sold out everywhere - and I mean everywhere. 

The chap behind the counter at the HMV near my work told me to come by every day because there was a small chance that a pre-ordered console might be available if the person failed to collect it after a certain period. So I went there every day and was disappointed day after day to be told none was available. Then one lunchtime he said, yes, we had one. I bought it and I was happy.

This tells a great deal about the level of anticipation for the console. Never mind that it's gathered dust for most of its life (I'm a PC gamer at heart). At the time there was genuine excitement about the launch and I was one of millions across the world who couldn't wait to get their hands on the new console.

So what of the Wii U, its HD successor. I find it hard to believe that it's being released at the end of this month. Maybe things will ramp up, maybe a lot, but right now I don't see a great deal of anticipation in the general masses.

Perhaps most concerning is some evidence below taken from our Harris Heroes market research report. This looked at the best tech of 2012 and the most anticipated tech and entertainment releases coming up this and next year, all according to the GB general public. In this study we asked gamers about the most anticipated next-gen gaming console or device. See the candidates on the left.

Let's see what gamers said. Just look where Wii U ranks below and remember it's being released in just a couple of weeks...

While the Xbox 360 has done exceptionally well to make up ground and sustain its momentum through things like Kinect, there is no doubt that the Wii was the winner of the last gen launches. 

But look where it ranks for the next gen, a clear and rather lowly third place. 

And it needs to be pointed out again that it is being released in a couple of weeks whereas Sony's and Microsoft's successors are next year (and perhaps even later for the PS4).

This is concerning for Wii U. It doesn't seem to have a solid bedrock (and remember this question was polled to gamers only). The one glimmer of hope is that when we break down these results we see that female gamers are more inclined to rank the Wii U more highly - see the full report for more details - but this is only a glimmer.

Predicting the success or otherwise of tech products is a fool's game. Remember the launch of the iPhone and the iPad - for every expert predicting domination there was one predicting abject failure. When the Wii was first revealed, there was great uncertainty as to its success, mainly driven by uncertainty over its remote motion control style gameplay. 

But the time leading up to its launch, people saw the gameplay, they saw Wii Sports and they got excited. Anticipation was created. And it seems this is what is missing in the last few days prior to the launch of Wii U.

We shouldn't underestimate Nintendo. While there seems to be a distinct lack of anticipation for the launch of Wii U, it really only takes a small handful of killer, exclusive, must-have titles to turn this around, to create that urgency to go out and buy. 

We'll see...

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

2012 tech of the year - Harris Heroes

We've just released our Harris Heroes awards report.

We polled the GB general public on what they thought were the best brands, devices and entertainment releases of 2012. We also looked at the most anticipated stuff coming up in 2013.

Click on the image below to get the full, free report.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Google Statistics - How Google makes billions from search and advertising

I came across this very neat infographic from Wordstream giving a breakdown of how Google makes billions from search and advertising. Thought I'd share it. All the work here is Wordstream's. If the text is too small, here's the original link/image.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

iPhone 5 tops the Buzz list for October

The latest monthly Buzz report is now available - click here to download it for free.

As usual, we measure the awareness and excitement of the latest news and releases in technology, telecoms and entertainment.

I don't know about you, but the iPhone 5 launch (and the iPad Mini one too) left me feeling a bit meh. That said, October's Buzz report shows the iPhone 5 topping our poll of what's got the Great British public excited in the world of tech and entertainment.

Indeed if you look at the "all-time" list below, you'll see the iPhone 5 beats the iPhone 4 and 4S.

Top ranking for Excitement Buzz (all-time list)

All the previous Buzz reports can be found here.

As a teaser, November's Buzz report will include iPad Mini, Windows 8, Surface, 4K TV, Skyfall, Xbox Music and a lot more.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Are kids spending too much time in front of a screen?

A leading psychologist issued a warning on the amount of time kids spend in front of a screen, according to a report on today's BBC News site.

It contends the average 10-year old has access to five different screens in the home.

With the proliferation of cheaper 7" tablets like Nexus 7 and the upcoming iPad Mini, plus the upcoming Wii U, the issue is likely to get worse before it gets better.

In Harris' recent TouchscreenLife report, we asked parents whether or not they were concerned about the amount of time kids spend in front of a screen. Let's see what they said...

Nearly 3 in 5 parents expressed concern about the amount of time their kids spend in front of a screen.

Some strong connections have been made about a sedentary lifestyle and obesity and other related medical problems.

But Dr Sigman's analysis goes further than this to suggest prolonged screen time affects dopamine levels in the brain, related to reward effects, that can lead to attention span issues, depression and other psychological ailments.

Do many kids spend too much time in front of screens? It answer appears to be a strong yes if the problems Dr Sigman reports are valid.

The behaviour, however, is almost certainly going to get worse as cheaper, more family-budget friendly tablets come onto the market. It's not just about tablets, of course, but TouchscreenLife is chock full of analysis to show how addictive such devices are among adults, let alone kids.

Any observation of your typical commuter train shows a carriage load of people transfixed by their smartphone, Kindle or tablet before them. If the prior generation, which had the TV, PC and consoles to occupy their screen-time is addicted, imagine what the current generation, who have added smartphones and tablets to their screen repertoire, is dealing with.

In the past, I've always taken a skeptical view and I've thought that (sedentary lifestyle medical problems aside) negative articles about screen time were over-stated. There are positive effects of video gaming, social networking and general internet usage and these, in my opinion, were sidelined for the big, scary headline. I put them in the same category as the MailOnline's or HuffPo's "X causes Cancer" articles and tended to dismiss them as hysterical.

As each generation's screen exposure and screen addiction gets worse, as it surely will, and if the balance of benefit/harm is shown to be negative, then the issue will need to be re-evaluated in a new light.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Game research: Call of Duty tops our gaming poll

Following on from my last post about films, let's take a look at which games have topped our poll across all 19 Harris Buzz reports we've conducted over the last two years.

The same caveat applies as for the film poll: we don't test each and every video game release. While the list is arbitrary, let's take a look at which games most excite the GB public. Also bear in mind this is a national poll, not just among gamers.

We see another clear winner in the Call of Duty series. Remember this is a national poll, not just gamers, so the series that garners the most media attention, and this certainly helps CoD. 

This data comes is collated from our series of Harris Buzz reports. All are free to download here.

Film research: Harry Potter and Dark Knight Rises tops our Excitement Buzz polling in the last 2 years

A new Harris Buzz report is available. As always, it's a national poll of the latest news and releases in technology and entertainment.

With the poll carried out in early September, we looked at the nation's buzz for the following items:

  • The Sun publishes pictures of Prince Harry naked in Las Vegas
  • Samsung Galaxy Note smartphone
  • LG Optimus 4X HD smartphone
  • Orange & T-Mobile to offer UK's first 4G mobile network
  • Google forces sites that link to pirated music/video lower in its search rankings
  • Samsung ordered to pay Apple $1bn in patent lawsuit verdict
  • The Bourne Legacy movie
  • The Expendables 2 movie
  • Darksiders II video game
  • Guild Wars 2 video game
  • Sleeping Dogs video game
  • Madden NFL 13 video game
  • New series of Doctor Who starts on BBC1

You'll see that the new series of Doctor Who tops this month's poll for the most exciting item and Prince Harry in Vegas is the most discussed.

This is the 19th Buzz report. We've included a fair few movie releases over that period. So let's take a look at which films have topped our Excitement Buzz poll. Bear in mind that not every major film gets included in Buzz and we select the ones on an arbitrary basis.That aside, let's look at the Excitement Buzz for the films we did include for polling.

We have a clear winner. The final Harry Potter film tops our list with The Dark Knight Rises and MiB3 a close 2nd tie.

All of the past 19 Harris Buzz reports are available to download, including the latest September release, by visiting here.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Do tablet and smartphone owners care about physical media?

Another snippet here from our report on tablet and smartphone users, this time taking a look at the preference for either physical or digital media. We gave people three options across a range of different media - that they prefer physical, prefer digital or if their preference is split between the two.

What do we see? When compared to smartphone users (which is now a mainstream audience), tablet owners are much more digital, even when it comes to books and magazines.

Music and photos have long since migrated digital, so it's no surprise to see these spiking for digital among both types of owner. Films and printed media remain more physically-biased for smartphone owners, but we see clearly how the impact of a tablet can make very large dents in these areas.

There isn't a single type of media for which tablet owners express a greater preference for physical media over digital - digital always "wins".

As the market for tablets may double in 2012, expect to see the the digital migration for entertainment accelerate. Just as well things like Ultraviolet are coming through for film, as well as more established services like LOVEFiLM and Netflix.

See more about the full report (which is free to download) by clicking here.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Tablet research - profiling tablet owners

Here's another snippet from our Touchscreen Life report, a major research study on tablets and smartphones.

Here we take a look at the profile of tablet owners in the UK.

There's so much more in the report. And it's free to download.

Click here for more information.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Tablet research, smartphone research - the full report and infographic

We released the all the findings of our tablet and smartphone research study today. Titled "Touchscreen Life", it is a major report on tablet and smartphone usage in the UK.

It's all free and for public release.

Click here for everything (full report, summary report & infographic)
Click here for the full report (12MB, 180+ pages)
Click here for the summary report (20+ pages)
Click here for the infographic or click on the image on the left
Click here for our press release

You'll find an incredibly rich and informative amount of information in the full report. Here is a list of what we cover:

  • Device ownership (not only tablets/smartphones but a range of consumer tech)
  • Ownership profiling
  • General usage (basic services)
  • "Next Gen" services - familiarity, usage & appeal (e.g. NFC, Visual Search etc.)
  • Wave-and-pay
  • Interactive advertising
  • Device dependency (also see my earlier post on this)
  • A focus on Windows 8
  • Security, privacy and trust
  • A focus on the cloud
  • TV and film
  • Apps and gaming
  • Music
  • Gambling
  • Physical vs. digital media
  • Consumerisation of the workplace
  • Deep profiling
If you would like to find out more, get in touch. My contact details are on the right-hand pane.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Tablet research, Smartphone research - Addicted to tablets & smartphones? New research suggests yes...

A recent Ofcom report highlighted an interesting stat, that 60% of teens are addicted to their smartphone. Addiction is a very strong word. There's absolutely no doubt that many of us, not just teens, seem inextricably connected with our mobile devices. A recent study we did at Harris, Touchscreen Life, adds to the debate, corroborating the Ofcom evidence...

Before looking at addiction, let's first take a look at why they're so addictive. It's clear from our data that it seems we use smartphones wherever we are, whatever we're doing. And for people who own tablets, it's even more likely our eyes are transfixed by the screen.

As you can see, many people who own tablets seem hardly to be without them when in the home, even when watching the TV (now a multi-task for many people) and even when eating and spending time with the family. Tablet usage is sticky. We see people tend to under-estimate how much they will use their tablet prior to getting one.

It is so clear why we are all using our tablets and smartphones. They are incredible devices and usage spreads across a phenomenal range of different services and applications.

And it is all this stuff, all these services, all these ways of spending our time that leads some to say that they are concerned about being overly reliant on their mobile devices.

And it's the younger people who are in most need of putting their smartphones and tablets down for a bit. 75% of male 16-34 tablet owners say they are concerned about being overly reliant on their mobile devices.

Addiction is a strong word. There is a balance between using devices a great deal because it enriches our lives and using it too much that it inferiors with "normal" life. It's just, perhaps, that "normal" life is changing for many of us.

All of the data in this report is from an upcoming free report from Harris Interactive. I'll post links to the summary report and full report when they are made publicly available later this week.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Tablet research - Nexus 7 trails iPad by a large margin for awareness & excitement

The latest Harris Buzz report is available, the 17th edition - click here to download the free report.

As always, we look at 13 new releases and technology/media/entertainment news stories in July, including Andy Murray's sobbing exit from Wimbledon, measuring awareness, discussion and excitement on a nationally representative GB Harris Poll sample.

We also covered the Nexus 7, the first tablet from Google, a 7 inch device made by Asus. For me, this is the most interesting story because we can compare its Buzz with that of all three iPads. We always test at time of   launch, so all the results are comparable.

What do we see for the Nexus 7? Let's take a look at awareness and excitement.

For familiarity we see Apple's products topping the list with the last two iterations building on the media frenzy of the first. Nexus 7 is the most recent tablet and its level of awareness is more comparable to that seen for Galaxy Tab, Playbook and Touchpad. I've put the date of the fieldwork (when we measured awareness) on each bar to be absolutely clear how these are benchmarked. Apple's lead (from iPad 2) is not quite double that of Nexus 7, but it's not far off that mark.
Now let's look at excitement. Below you'll see the iPad reigning supreme, well ahead of the rest. Nexus 7 is again roughly on par with the Galaxy Tab.

What does it mean for Google and Nexus? And for any tablet maker other than Apple for that matter? Well, Apple's grip on the market has been firm, and it remains so. We shouldn't take this, in any way, that the Nexus 7 is a failure. It's not. It's been critically acclaimed and it's sold out. But these graphs do show what a steep hill Apple competitors have to climb to gain the attention of the public and the mainstream tablet buyer.

And this data also shows that it is the iPad that retains the most excitement when people think about tablets. There's something about the iPad that generates a buzz that other manufacturers are yet to match.

All the Buzz reports from which this data is mined can be found here.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Connected TV research - a neat infographic based on the research

We released our Connected TV report. The full report can be found here and the Brand Republic article based on it can be found here.

We've now done a neat little infographic - you can also download it as a PDF here.


Thursday, 12 July 2012

EURO 2012 tops our buzz list for June and SmartGlass pips Wii U

Harris's latest Buzz report is available. Click here to download, it's free as usual.

Not only did EURO 2012 top our list for June, it also tops the our all-time list for excitement of everything we've covered in entertainment, media, technology and mobile in the last two years.

We also covered Microsoft's Surface, SmartGlass and Xbox Music, as well as the E3 reveal of the Wii U console. We'll cover these again closer to launch. In the report you'll see SmartGlass ahead of Wii U right now, but it's early days and I'll be blogging about this particular mini battle later this week.

Here's a full list of what we covered in late June. As usual the buzz report looks at awareness, level of discussion and excitement.

  • Apple reveal a new line of MacBook computers
  • Diablo 3 video game
  • EURO 2012 football tournament
  • Flame internet virus steals data from sensitive Iranian & Israeli organisations
  • Internet “trolls” (people who abuse others persistently online) to be identified under new measures
  • Microsoft announce SmartGlass for smartphones and tablets to work in union with an Xbox console
  • Microsoft announce Xbox Music streaming service
  • Microsoft reveal “Surface”, their own brand of tablet computer devices
  • Prometheus movie
  • Rock of Ages movie
  • Stars perform at Queen’s Jubilee concert
  • Stone Roses band reunite and tour for the first time in 16 years
  • Wii U gaming console is revealed

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Connected TV research, Smart TV research - is it the year of connected TV

Harris released a nice new research report on Connected TV. The full report is free - click here to download it.

It looks at Connected TV, who's using it, who's not and why not, and it includes our list of the 7 things that need to happen for it to a better hold of our living rooms.

Will it take a new television set from Apple to set the market alight?

It's based on a Harris Poll survey in GB, including over 500 connected TV owners.

An article based on the report is also available on Brand Republic, Media Week, Marketing Magazine, CampaignLive and PRWeek.

If you want to know more, get in touch - contact details on right hand pane.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Prometheus, Diablo 3, Wii U, SmartGlass, Surface and EURO 2012 all in the upcoming Buzz report

Here's a teaser for what we're including in the upcoming Harris Buzz report from Harris Interactive. It will be out in a week or so and as usual I'll post a link to the full, free report here.

Here's what we're asking the GB general public about:

  • Prometheus movie
  • Rock of Ages movie
  • Diablo 3 video game
  • Wii U gaming console revealed
  • Microsoft announce Xbox Music streaming service
  • Microsoft announce SmartGlass for smartphones and tablets to work in union with an Xbox console
  • Apple reveal a new line of MacBook computers
  • ATMs may soon operate without a card, using a smartphone instead
  • Stone Roses band reunite and tour for the first time in 16 years
  • Stars perform at Jubilee concert
  • EURO 2012 football tournament
  • Flame internet virus
  • Internet "trolls"  to be identified under new measures

I will post a link to the report when it's ready on this blog. All the previous Buzz reports (all 15 of them) can be found here.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Report on digital consumers, privacy, online security & protection - on behalf of Kaspersky Lab

My colleagues at Harris worked with Kaspersky Lab, the online security firm, to produce a rich, multi-country report on modern digital life, devices, privacy and security.

Kaspersky Lab's full report is available - click here to download the pdf.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Brand Buzz - BBC, ITV, Sky, Facebook, Google & Twitter

A brand new report from Harris Interactive for you. It's our very first report in our new series of "Brand Buzz" reports. It's like our normal Buzz report, but instead we focus squarely on brands. 

Click here to view or download the full free report.

For this new report, we look at six media and tech giants: BBC, ITV, Sky, Facebook, Twitter and Google.

Using the Harris Poll platform, we ask a nationally representative sample of the GB public three simple questions:
  1. Awareness, familiarity and usage
  2. Their emotional connection to each brand
  3. The degree to think they think the brand is on the way up/unchanged/in decline
We plan to do this monthly, taking six new brands each time. Over time we'll build some powerful benchmarks. I'll post a link to next month's edition on this blog when it's ready. Next month we'll be looking at mobile brands including iPhone and Android.

Here's a few snippets of the results from the first edition:

What do we see from the data above?
  • While BBC is among the country's most loved brands, it isn't really seen as very innovative by the general public or among its users (which is just about everyone)
  • Sky, Facebook and Twitter attract a lot of negative opinions from the general public, but this is almost exclusively coming from non-users
  • Facebook, Twitter and Google are the three brands with the highest "buzz", that they're perceived as ahead and really going places
When we do this monthly, we'll add more and more brands, building up a great store of information of what the general public thinks of brands in the entertainment, media, technology and telecoms space.

Click here to view or download the full, free report.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Olympic Torch Relay pips Samsung Galaxy S3 in latest Buzz report

Our latest Buzz report is available to download - for free. Click here to get it.

Of all the things we measured this month we see the Olympic Torch relay, Men In Black 3 and the new flagship Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone heading the list of things that are most exciting the British general public.

A new Buzz report will be released next month and, as usual, I'll post a link here.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Google research - ranking the familiarity of recent Google initiatives

Google do a lot of stuff. Some things work, some don't. Google+ and Google TV may be struggling to meet expectations, but there's no doubt that the company is raking it in from search and they were recently proclaimed the world's third most valuable brand.

It's worth taking a look then at how all their recent initiatives cut through to the Great British public.

The graph below is taken from Harris Interactive's series of Buzz reports. These are monthly polls using the Harris Poll Online Omnibus in GB, nationally representative of 16-64 year olds. Note that these are results  of polls at the time of each initiative's release (or shortly after) - there's a table at the bottom of this post showing the polling dates.

There's a big spread of familiarity here with failed projects like Google Buzz towards the bottom. It's interesting that their recent and major change to its privacy policy is the thing that more people in the country have heard about. Google+ and Chrome do well, and it's interesting to see that Chrome has now become the world's most popular browser. Google+ is another matter, perhaps weighed down by high expectation.

The one that stands out most for me is Google TV. As many people with connected TVs hardly bother with the function, it's a space where a giant like Google can make the running and create the demand with a beautiful service. It's yet to filter through. Perhaps Apple will do it instead with the much rumoured release of the Apple iTV.

For those who want to know, we polled the public at the time of (or shortly after) each release. Here's a table showing the launch and polling dates.

Get in touch if you want to know more. And see here for all the Buzz reports from which this data is collated. All are free to download.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Lumia, HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S3 and Men In Black 3 all in upcoming Buzz report

The latest Buzz report can be found here.

And here's a taster of what we're covering in next month's Buzz report (see full list below).

1.    Nokia Lumia smartphone launched in the UK
2.    HTC One smartphone launched in UK
3.    Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone unveiled
4.    Parliamentary committee report says Rupert Murdoch “not a fit person” to run a major international business
5.    Plan to mine asteroids for precious metals revealed
6.    O2 release a “mobile wallet” smartphone app to exchange money and pay for services by text message
7.    Men In Black 3 movie
8.    Facebook shares go on sale, valued over $100bn
9.    Google Drive cloud storage application is launched
10. The Digital Economy Act, the anti-piracy law, is delayed until 2014
11. Facebook launch an app store
12. Official Charts Company launch a chart of online music streams
13. Olympic torch relay starts its tour around the UK

I'll post a link on this blog when it's ready in a couple of weeks' time.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Avengers Assemble pipped by The Voice & BGT in latest Buzz report

The latest Buzz report can be downloaded for free here. For excitement, our list is topped by the talent shows The Voice and Britain's Got Talent, which appeal to a very broad demographic. Avengers Assemble comes in at third place of everything we tested this month.

See the previous post for the full list. And yet another new Buzz report will come out next month.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Project Glass, Titanic, MDNA, Avengers Assemble, Kindle Touch and more in the new Harris Buzz report coming soon

We're in the process of getting the May Harris Buzz report together.

As always, it's a market research study among 1000 GB consumers aged 16+ using the Harris Poll asking people's awareness and excitement of what's new in tech and entertainment.

Here's what we're covering in the May edition:

1.       UK government announce plans to “spy” on people’s emails and electronic communications
2.       Amazon Kindle Touch (the new Kindle with a touchscreen display)
3.       Game video-game store chain goes bust and is then rescued
4.       Facebook buys picture-app company Instagram for $1bn
5.       Britain’s Got Talent TV show on ITV
6.       The Voice TV show on BBC One
7.       New Madonna album, ‘MDNA’
8.       Titanic movie re-released in 3D
9.       The Hunger Games movie
10.   Avengers Assemble movie
11.   Max Payne 3 video game
12.   Kinect: Star Wars video game
13.   Google reveal Project Glass “augmented-reality” glasses

All previous editions can be found here for free. I'll post a link to the new edition on this blog next week.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

iPad research - The New iPad tops our April Buzz poll

Here is a link to download the full free April Buzz report from Harris - click here. See the prior post to see everything we measured.

No surprise to see The New iPad topping our list for Excitement Buzz in April. 

The question is how well does the New iPad do compared to iPad 2 and the original iPad.

Let's take a look at the Buzz results. Below are the Buzz scores achieved by the three launches and in each case the fieldwork was conducted with nationally representative sample (base>1000) in GB at the time of each launch. We use the Harris Poll to do the surveys.

The New iPad, despite having the same familiarity level as iPad 2, doesn't quite achieve the same level of Discussion and Excitement Buzz.

All these scores are high and they remain the highest Buzz scores for any tablet we measured. We've yet to see any Android tablet match these scores. And while the scores for the New iPad trail that for iPad 2, it will do little to dent sales and Apple raking in the cash.

But perhaps Apple need a little more than a spanking new HD screen in their 4th generation iPad next year to push these Buzz even higher?

Monday, 19 March 2012

New iPad, Windows 8, Mass Effect 3 and lots more in the next edition of Buzz

As a teaser, this is what we're testing in the upcoming edition of Harris Buzz.

It should be released in a couple of weeks.

As with all other Buzz reports, we measure awareness and excitement of these things among the GB general public. I'll post a link here to the full, free PDF report when it's ready. Here's the full list:

Apple reveal the “New iPad”
Warner Bros. Studio Tour “The Making of Harry Potter” set to open
Sony release PlayStation Vita handheld gaming device (reprise for tracking)
Microsoft preview Windows 8 operating system
Google re-name “Android Market” as “Google Play”
Google implements wide-reaching new privacy policy
Sony unveil ‘floating interface’ touchless display for upcoming Xperia Sola smartphone
“The Sun on Sunday” newspaper is launched
Mobile roaming costs when abroad capped at £40
"Nokia 808 Pureview” 41 megapixel cameraphone revealed
Mass Effect 3 video game
BBC announce launch a TV programme download service to rival iTunes
Virgin Media win contract to provide wi-fi on London Tube system

Friday, 9 March 2012

BRITS top of the list in the latest Harris Buzz report

The latest Harris Buzz report is free and can be downloaded by clicking here

It's great to see the Brits topping the poll for Excitement in this edition.

The UK music industry is a massive success story and something to cherish in these incessantly gloomy economic times. The Brits is the premiere showcase for our country's talent around the world and it's pleasing to see that UK consumers connect with it so strongly.

A full list of what we covered:
1.       Google, Wikipedia and other sites “go offline” for SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) protest
2.       File-hosting site Megaupload taken down
3.       Brits (UK music industry awards)
4.       Prime Minister talks about backing “winners” for UK film industry
5.       Resident Evil 6 video game trailer released
6.       Microsoft launches Kinect for PCs
7.       Facebook unveils plans to float shares to raise $5bn
8.       Facebook rolls out “Timeline” profile format
9.       Sony to release Playstation Vita handheld gaming device
10.   Oscars (US film Academy Awards)
11.   US firm Netflix launches movie streaming service in UK
12.   Baftas (UK film/TV academy awards)
13.   Sky News clamps down on the use of Twitter

Get in touch if you have any queries - my contact details are on the right-hand pane.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Vita, Brits, Baftas, Oscars, SOPA, Kinect and more in Buzz#12 report

The latest Harris Buzz research report will be released later this week. I will post a link to it here.

Here's the list of news stories and launches we've asked the UK general public about in the latest edition:

1.       Google, Wikipedia and other sites “go offline” for SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) protest
2.       File-hosting site Megaupload taken down
3.       Brits (UK music industry awards)
4.       Prime Minister talks about backing “winners” for UK film industry
5.       Resident Evil 6 video game trailer released
6.       Microsoft launches Kinect for PCs
7.       Facebook unveils plans to float shares to raise $5bn
8.       Facebook rolls out “Timeline” profile format
9.       Sony to release Playstation Vita handheld gaming device
10.   Oscars (US film Academy Awards)
11.   US firm Netflix launches movie streaming service in UK
12.   Baftas (UK film/TV academy awards)
13.   Sky News clamps down on the use of Twitter